Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Jonas De Ro is a Photoshop artist who uses Adobe Photoshop to create a scene from a picture, he does this through both adding and taking away features from the picture and changing many of the visuals to match his idea, this is his specialty, photo-manipulation. His specialisation within this area is Concept are, both of characters and landscapes within games.

This is a piece he created using a landscape of New York, it's name as "The Ruins of New York", this piece may have been created by simply using the picture of New York, taking away or covering areas of the city to make it look like it had been damaged after applying other effects to show damage and making the sky appear through newly formed buildings with missing chunks, as if it had been hit with a gun or rocket of some sort. It is interesting to see the way in which a landscape can be altered and manipulated into a piece of futuristic wasteland that we could only imagine and maybe never see, this is why concept art is amazing, it give freedom to the creator to both create and expand on different areas, literally making the world their playground.

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