Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh was a Post Impressionist artist, Post Impressionist were artists who were influenced and inspired by the artwork of the impressionist movement but rejected the constraints it beheld and they further ventured into their own, unique styles which were more emotionally based than Impressionist based.
He painted many self-portraits with strange wavy and spiraling patterns, seen in quite a few pieces of work he had produced; this was often based and represented the night’s sky. These spiraling patterns could also represent emotion. As this was the case of the post-impressionist artists had followed, but I am not certain, yet I appreciate the passion and emotion held within their work. All of his artwork featured many colors, building up a greater and more detailed piece of art that had a good arrange of colors to represent shadows, sunlight and other natural factors within the area. He also did landscape paintings, this is where it shows the inspiration of the impressionist artists, and this list could include such artists as Claude-Oscar Monet, who is considered one of the most famous artists who was apart of the impressionist movement. His style of work is almost strange, due to the patterns he had used in the sky and backgrounds of his work, although I believe this had been one of the factors that had made him original, maybe seeing something within the sky that represent his emotions, though others may not have seen. Within his time he was only seen as a crazy and even delusional man, he had heard vices and spent time in an asylum, this is may have been why he never had seen success within his own time, yet now he is considered among the greats within the arts, within impressionist style and post impressionist style paintings within the modern day.